Gluten free cookies are simply cookies void of gluten. Gluten, however, is a protein found in many grains such as wheat, barley and rye. It has a glue-like property which is responsible for making dough elastic and rise quickly during baking. It also provides a chewing satisfying texture.

While most people claim that eating foods that contain gluten is safe for everyone, some health experts after due research have depicted that gluten is harmful to some individuals. This is because some individuals after eating processed foods that contain gluten  such as  cereals cookies, bulgar wheat, and bread experience side effects such as below:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating (a feeling that your stomach is swollen)
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Unexplained weight loss.

Hence they are termed to be sensitive or intolerant to gluten. A number of medical conditions require that individuals stay away from any food that contains gluten. An Example is a celiac disease (An autoimmune disease which makes the body see gluten as a foreign invader which results in damage to the gut wall).

On the other hand, gluten is not entirely bad because it can act as a prebiotic which means it feeds `good’ bacteria in the body.

However, people who show intolerance to gluten have nothing to worry about because gluten free cookies are carefully prepared to ensure it is absolutely void of gluten and you can as well order cookies online.

Gluten free cookies fully compensate for whatever nutritional value cookies with gluten would have given too. Nutrients such as vitamin B, magnesium, and iron. They are not expensive, easily digestible, and have lower calories as compared to cookies with gluten.

Gluten free cookies

Gluten free cookies can be quite challenging to bake, but these are a few helpful tips to help you have happy baking.

  1. Ensure that the binding agent you’re using to bake will give your cookies the elasticity it needs. An Example is flax or guar gum.
  2. Ensure you chill the dough before baking, gluten free cookies are usually sticky.
  3. Scoop your cookies in small quantities, this way it does not become too crumbly and fall apart easily.
  4. Use a leavening agent such as baking soda to prevent the dough from being too dense.
  5. Allow the cookies to cool off properly before trying to remove them.


You can have a very good relish with gluten free cookies the way you want without a bother.

Click here for more information.